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发布时间: 2006-04-01 00:00    查看: 2963
    张宏伟 陈 超 郑 毅

  中图分类号:X705  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1002-1264(1999)06-0045-02

Research on Comprehensive Utilization of Fine Coal Ash
for Producing Compound Fertilizer

ZHANG Hong-wei1,CHEN Chao1,ZHENG Yi2
(1.Department of Environmental Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072;
2.Tianjin Waterworks Group Co.LTD,Tianjin 300040)

Abstract:With the quick development of environmental protection in China,people have paid more and more attentions to comprehensive utilization of solid wastes.This paper mainly introduces the new technology for producing sillicon,calcium and magnesium compound fertillizer,not only reducing the polluion of solid waste,but utilizing the wastes comprehensively.
Key words:fine coal ash; silicon calcium and magnesium compound fertilizer; new technology


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