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发布时间: 2006-04-01 00:00    查看: 7090
    刘德启 任玉贝

  摘 要:根据外营力自然成岩理论,探讨了利用造纸废物与粉煤灰生产复合材料的新理论、新工艺。 在工业性试生产中产生的制品具有容重轻、强度高,隔热性能和憎水性良好的优点;同时, 由于其吃灰量大(>95%),又为大规模利用粉煤灰开辟了新途径。
  关键词:粉煤灰; 造纸废物; 复合材料; 综合利用
  中图分类号:X793;TU522.3+5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-6504(2000)02-0047-03

Study on allflyash building material with paper-making wastes

LIU De-qi,REN Ru-Bei
(Chemistry & Chemical Engerneering College In Su Zhou Universit y,215006)

Abstract:Based on the theory of forming rock within outside f orce,researching new technology and new theory to make compound material with pa per-making wastes and flyash.The trial products from industrial test have advan tage of properties,such as,light weight,high strength,better keeping from heat a nd water,meanwhile,it can use up greatly flyash (>95%),so the method has develop ed a new pathway for coprehensive utilization of coal flyash in great scale.
Key words:flyash; paper-making waste; Compound material; comprehensive utilization



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